On Saturday, September 9, 2023, Franklin Revolver & Rifle Association, Inc. held a combination Pistol and Rifle Match to raise funds to assist the Sussex Elks Lodge #2288 in bringing the National Iraq/Afghanistan Memorial, called “Remembering Our Fallen”, to Woodbourne Park in Wantage the weekend of September 8 – 11. This exhibit is a potographic war memorial honoring those who died in the Global War on Terror from September 11, 2001 to August 30, 2021.
For the past several months Franklin R&R members have been accepting donations from family and friends as they prepared for this year’s ‘Shoot For A Cause’ Event. The match proceeds and donations enabled Franklin R&R to present a check for $2,505 to the Sussex Elks Lodge #2288.
PHOTO Shown presenting the check for $2,505 are: Franklin Revolver & Rifle Association Current President, Mike Luongo (L), and Past President, Helen M. Swingle (2nd from L). Shown accepting the check are: Sussex Elks Lodge #2288 Past Exalted Ruler, Patricia Green (2nd from R), and Current Exalted Ruler, Rick Periu (R).
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